Life-Changing Reasons to Make November a Booze-Free Month

There are few social occasions that are not accompanied by a glass of something boozy. Whether you’re having a ladies lunch or going on a first date, there’s almost always a presumption that alcohol will be involved. And while we’re not suggesting that getting a tipsy is not a great occasional stress-reliever or a much-deserved weekend treat, the stats reveal that potentially harmful binge drinking is on the rise. Alcohol consumption might seemingly make your life more fun, but over-drinking can cause life-altering health problems. Here are just a few reasons to make this month booze free…
It’s Easy on Your Wallet
Alcohol products have created a billion dollar industry. According to recent data, it’s reported that the average American spends about 1% of the annual income on alcohol. You’ll be surprised at how much money you’ll save by skipping out on the booze. You could use this extra cash to treat yourself with a gift, save for a rainy day or pay off debts.

It Will Extend Your Life
Frequent drinking has a harrowing list of health-related side effects that could shorten your life. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, alcohol consumption increases your risk of contracting cancer as well as other diseases. Alcohol negatively affects your liver function, cardiac system, weight, neurological capacity and sleeping patterns.
You’ll Look Better
Alcohol is a known diuretic, which means that it dehydrates the body. Without adequate hydration, skin becomes dry and loses its elasticity. Booze also causes tissue inflammation which leaves your face red and inflamed. While these symptoms often go away once the alcohol leaves your system, frequent inflammation does cause long-term skin damage. Sugar-laden cocktails and carbo-loaded beers are also loaded with calories. A booze-free diet will almost always lead to weight-loss.

It Will Improve Your Mental Health
While alcohol is a deceptively social and seemingly fun activity, consumption has a lasting effect on your brain chemistry. Hangovers are not only physical but moral, too. A ‘moral hangover’ often leaves us feeling ashamed and dejected. Alcohol impairs your ability to make decisions, often leading to the drinker making regrettable choices. The after-effects of a big night out also leave one feeling severely hungover and demotivated. We are more likely to be inactive, neglect responsibilities, binge eat and isolate ourselves.